Céline Peruzzo *1980 in Geneva CH
I live surrounded by my work. They are my daily companions, and I see each new piece as part of a larger narrative, inspired by the observation of everyday life. When I work, I pay particular attention to the messages hidden behind the gestures. As if to imply that the artist has the power to reveal magical formulae. My attraction to the great masters, particularly the Italians, certainly stems from my origins, from my time spent in Tuscany. I want to reproduce in my work the same mysterious grace of sculptures with (often) missing limbs. That's where I want to stand, in that zone of unsettling beauty that lets the ephemeral side of the human being shine through, despite the use of 'eternal' materials such as marble or bronze.
Selection of exhibitions
La salle d’eau, standard/deluxe, Lausanne (solo)
ever ever expanding waves, FMAC, Geneva
Body & Soul, ye are body&soul, CERAMICS, Hinterconti, Hamburg
Spielact - Espace Commun, Geneva
BIG - Biennale Insulaire des Espaces d’arts Genève, Perle du Lac, Geneva
We are Body&Soul works on paper together, Halle Nord Geneva + Galerie Melike Bilir, Hamburg
L’amour toujours, Espace Labo, Geneva
Art au Centre Genève, Window display in the City of Geneva
the Fold, Milkshake Agency, Geneva
Open Studio, Garden City / SKK, Cairo
Shukran, Parat Artspace, Zurich
Dust in Translation, Access Artspace, Cairo
Artiste d’ici, Intervention sur les affiches de la ville de Genève
Willi Woo curation Alexia Turlin, Espace Eeeh! Nyon
Drawn, M3 Studio, Zurich.
Festival Art et Performance, Château de Vuillerens.
Maison Perruche x Croix-Rouge genevoise - Vêt’shop Lissignol, Geneva
Tu danses et tu penses à moi - Galerie Laurent Marthaler, Montreux
(solo with Hadrien Dussoix)
Saucisse Melba - Rotonde de la Maladière/ Le Placette , Lausanne
Maison Perruche / Launch of the Collection, Espace Franzoli, Zurich
Triennale d’art du Valais, Relais Saint Bernard, Martigny
Dialogue with Imaginary Viewers, Kunsthalle Marcel Duchamp, Cully
Nostalgex, Espace Saint Valentin, Lausanne (solo)
Cuisses&Palms, Body and Soul, Geneva (solo)
Majorette Messages, Dienstgebaüde, Zurich (solo)
La Vie Matérielle, Grand Café des Mouettes, Collectif Rats, Vevey
Zigzag, Manoir de Martigny, Martigny
La scena madre, Milkshake Agency, Genève (solo)
Kisses and other pieces, Part galerie, Zurich
Catch of the year, Dienstgebaüde, Zurich
Dreams of Form in days o f thoughts, Halle Nord, Geneva (solo avec Solvej Dufour Anderson)
3:57, Nextex, St. Gallen
Situation I, Ferme Asile, Sion
I want to grasp things with the mind the way the penis is grasped by the vagina,
Davel 14, Cully
Gardy loo, Galerie SAKS , Geneva
Catch of the year, Dienstgebaüde, Zurich
Der Wunderpunkt , kleine Wartesaal, La Perla, Zurich (solo)
Môtiers art en plein air, Môtiers.
Retracing Territories - Fri-Art, Fribourg.
Kiefer Hablitzel, Halle 32, Basel
Here we go, Galerie Une, Neuchâtel
Kaléidoscopique, Villa Dutoit, Geneva
Swiss Art Awards, Halle 32, Basel
Seularium, Planet22, Geneva (solo)
Bourses des Fonds Berthoud, Lissignol-Chevalier et Galland - Centre d’art contemporain, Geneva
Swiss Art Awards, Halle 32 - Basel
(...) enfin là, je te parle d’autre chose (…), Galerie Basta, Lausanne.
Work in Progress, Galerie Evergreene, Geneva (solo avec Cristina Da Silva)
2014 - Haute Ecole Pédagogique BEJUNE, Biel.
Diploma for teaching art in high school.
2012 - Zürcher Hochschule der Künste (ZHdK), Zurich.
Master of arts ZFH in fine arts.
2004 - Haute école d’arts visuels HES (HEAD), Geneva.
Diplôme HEA en arts visuels
2023 - Body and Soul - 3 weeks ceramic workshop - Corfu
2023 - Lost, found and eternal (II) - 3 weeks workshop by invitation of Studio Khana and Pro Helvetia Cairo
2022 - We are Body&Soul - one week residency during the month of may, Manigod, France
2022 - Residency Cairo - february to july - Conférence des Villes en matière Culturelle (CVC/SKK)
2021 - Residency Cairo - september to november Pro Helvetia - Cairo
2021 - Bourses de recherche du Commun - research grant from the City of Geneva
2005 to 2007 - Studio of the city of Geneva at the Maison des Arts du Grütli - Fond Municipal d’Art Contemporain Genève (Fmac).
2004 - Swiss Art Awards, bourses fédérales. Basel.
We are Body and Soul, Works on Paper together - catalogue. ed. Ripopée. 2022
Public Domain project - cat. d’exposition - ed. Neon Foundation. 2014
Master fine arts degree Show - cat. d’exposition - ed. ZHdK. 2012
Marcel Duchamp and the Forestay Waterfall - cat. d’exposition - ed. Stefan Banz - jrp ringier. 2010
Situation 1 - cat. d’exposition - ed. de la Ferme Asile. 2010
La Visite - cat- d’exposition - ed. Association fondation Zervos / l’Offce, Ensa Dijon. 2006
SUR-PAPIER - ed. Dasein Paris. 2006
Maison des Arts du Grütli, L’Usine, Ateliers pour plasticiens - ed. DIP Genève. 2006
Swiss Art Awards 2004 - Bundesamt für Kultur Bern.